Computer a Sign of God

The realisation of God means that man discovers God by deeply pondering upon and contemplating His signs rather than by rumination upon His being. (Al-Mufradat fi Gharib al-Quran, al-Raghib al-Isfahani, p. 331) These Signs of God refer to the Signs in the universe or God’s creation. Modern science is another name for discovering these Signs of God in creation. The most significant source of achieving the realisation of God is the contemplation of the creation of God. Science has provided a vast library of unlimited supporting data for contemplating God’s creation for seekers of maarifah. Man can discover the Creator by pondering upon His creation and finding the unseen world in the seen world. For if there is creation, there must be a Creator. Everything in the universe sends out the message of God-realisation in natural terms as if the entire universe is an excellent library of God-realisation. When a thinking person reflects, he discovers incredible miracles of creation, from his existence to the rest of the universe. Then, he spontaneously calls out that, without doubt, there is a Creator of this universe and that he should acknowledge Him and surrender before Him. The library of the universe is an absolute treasure of the realisation of God. Belief in God is another name for this conscious discovery. This belief, or realisation, is an intellectual revolution of nature that transforms man’s entire personality. With this belief, a new spiritual (Rabbani) personality emerges. The realisation is the beginning of faith. It means trying to recognize God through the observation of His creation.

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